We, Anne Bea and Stine Dines, founded ‘iovermorgen’ (abbreviation: iOM!)
(eng.: the day after tomorrow) on Valentine’s Day 2022.

iOM! is an experimental studio dealing with architectural projects stretching into art.

We use a former scooter shop(HUS8000) to practice our method at street level.

We experiment with alternative preservation of materials and places.

We creating new spatial narratives by adding value to existing matters .

We expand spaces, minds, and conceptions.


Inventing exhibition formats and managing open calls
Curating art in unpolished places
Setting creative directions

Layouting and visualizing for digital and analog purposes
Talking, writing, and making workshops about art and architecture

Producing and building props, installations, sculptures, and dollhouses-like models

Current work:


Material research and group exhibition, HUS8000 (DK) 
Curation and installation. Contributing architects: Gruppe-AJA, Ester Alemayehu Hatle, Spacegirls, and Urszula Kozminska

Scraps, trash, treasures 

Facade installation, ‘an other world’, Rotterdam (NL)
Installation and talk on ‘Experimental Preservation’

Past works:


Art publication ‘DC MAGAZINE’, first edition, distributed at Kunsthal Aarhus (DK)

Text contribution

Basic principles of architecture

Workshop by iOM! (DK)

Taught at Risskov Efterskole


Creative direction for Asbjørns 4th album
Visual and spatial direction for music videos, theater concert, and artwork


her här her

Hosts for book launch for Spacegirls, HUS8000 (DK)

Talk and curation with Spacegirls and Tyra Matilda Rex and Adam Marcel. Contribution with candle installation

Asbjørn Live

Scenography and props for Asbjørns LMS-tour, (DK)

What would have happened, something is lost, something is still here, and oh I remember

Group exhibition, HUS8000 (DK)
Co-curation with Alter Festival and contribution of curatorial props. Contribution by 8 artists

Alter Festival 2023

Art space and venue, HUS8000 and Kunsthal Aarhus (DK) 
Co-curation and contribution of scenography for performances and interior design

Window Shopping

Facade installation, HUS8000 (DK) 
Developed and produced by iOM!

Automatic Display

Group exhibition (Open Call), a part of the exhibition ‘Perron Cerremoni’ by Drømmekontoret, Copenhagen Central Station (DK)
Concept, curation, and production of movable display. Contributions by 10 artists

Ugly Waste

HUS8000 as site for semester project for studio 3A at Aarhus School of Architecture (DK)

Talk about HUS8000 and iOM!s practice


Oily Pockets

Group exhibition (Open Call), HUS8000 (DK)

Concept, curation, contribution of curatorial props, and self-publishing of reflection-catalog distributed at Kunsthal Aarhus. Contributing artists: Sissel Skjød Hartvigsen, Didde Borup Larsen, Isabella La Cour, Line Rolf Moesgaard. moderator of talk: Lauge Floris. Jury: Mikkel Elming, Siska Katrine Jørgensen, Olga Benedicte

Architectural Diorama

Installation og performance, at OPEN for Arkitektskolen Aarhus (DK)

Concept and production of installation in collaboration with Anna Norup Lindblad. Curator: Karen Kjærgaard

Helbrede - Lindre - Trøste

Group exhibition at Alter Festival 2022 at the former, Aarhus Amtssygehus (DK)

Curation and contribution of curatorial props. Contributions by 6 artists

Experiments in the city’s empty spaces

Talk hosted by the Architectural Union at Kulturmødet Mors (DK)

Moderation by Anna Norup Lindblad

Why so Wordy?

Group exhibition (Open Call), HUS8000 (DK)

Concept and curation. Contributions by 20 artists. Jury:  Siska Katrine Jørgensen, Olga Benedicte, Mathias Ruthner og Line Rolf

Supported by:

Aarhus Municipality - Cultural Development Fund

Danish Arts Foundation

Dreyers Fond
Centre for Visual Arts Rotterdam 
Mondriaan Fonds