This webshop is priceless.

When purchasing an item, you automatically become a part of a community of caretakers who are all curious to reuse materials.

When purchasing an item you partake in the act of salvaging left-behind materials. By giving the item a new use, you intervene in its lifecycle. When the item shifts hands one day, we hope that sustainable values will be passed on to new caretakers.  
To purchase your favored item, send an email to iovermorgen and note the item’s name (click on e-mail icon below)

Terms and conditions of purch
ACCEPTANCE: When the purchased item is agreed to come into the recipient's care, the recipient agrees to seek fulfillment of the terms and conditions provided herein.

AFTERLIFE: Recipient acknowledge and agree that they partake in the process of salvation of a left-behind item, and seek to provide a meaningful and environmentally healthy afterlife for the item, even if the item shifts hands from the recipient to others.

TIMELY PERFORMANCE: Recipient and iovermorgen agree to stick to the timeframe of pick-up and planned time frame of putting the item into new use.

CHANCES: Recipient has the freedom of creation to make changes to the initial proposed new use, as long as it is not harmful to the environment or brings any discriminating message

CANCELLATION: Recipient can cancel any time up until pick-up and deliver the item back if they cannot succeed in bringing the item into new use

WARRANTY: There is no warranty on items durability                          

DELIVERY: Recipient pick-up the item at HUS8000, klostergade 74, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

INSPECTION AND REJECTION: The item is inspected by iovermorgen, and can be rejected by the recipient at the pick-up

PAYMENT: The transaction is priceless!

TRANSACTION & PUBLICITY: Recipient delivers photos and text communicating the new use of the item and agrees that iovermorgen can use it on the website and in other published media. iovermorgen can credit the recipients by “name of choice” if they wish

INSURANCE: If recipient is harmed by the item or in processes that involve the item, iovermorgen cannot offer any form of insurance. However, iovermorgen can offer emotional support

FORCE MAJOR: Recipient and iovermorgen are relieved of any form of liability in the case of force major or other happenings in both parties' lives that prevent them from fulfilling the agreement